A downloadable Experience

Goldsmith Prodigy! or Auríferia in Spanish, is an educational board game focused on the goldsmith craft in Colombia. In this narrative board game you discover your ancerstors were goldsmiths. This, by finding an old vessel in a chest made with a lot of shapes and colors. Driven by the desire of knowing about it, Margarita and his friends will try their best to become a goldsmith master and recover the generational bonds lost in time.

This board game includes the props necessary to test it:

-One board  (Splitted into four parts: warehouse, goldsmith's anvil room, the store and the goldsmith's melting furnace room).

-Recipe cards.

-Tool cards.

-Material tokens.

-Lore book (short story about goldsmithing in Colombia).

*The board game is available in both, English and Spanish.

Players: 2-4 players.

Playing time: 30+ min.

Age: 11+

Warning: This is a board game prototype. It is still in development.


Board.pdf 162 kB
Tool and recipe template.pdf 143 kB
Prototype game flow.pdf 110 kB
Game lore.pdf 61 kB

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